Each session includes a presentation and short discussion and lasts about 1 hour
Date | Presenter / Topic | Register |
David Turner, PhD, Distinguished Scientist
Due to Unexpected Circumstances, Irina Kareva, will be presenting for one of our Summer Webinars instead of January.
Andrew Goetz - Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, US
Heather Collis, Clinical Pharmacology and Quantitative Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology & Safety Sciences, R&D, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden
Valeriu Damian
We are taking a short break for July. Check back later for our August Webinar details!
K. Melissa Hallow, PhD
Dr. Robert Sheehan
Dr. Michael Monine
Amy Moody, PhD
Brian Topp
Tom Yankeelov, Ph.D.
Norman A. Mazer, M.D., Ph.D.
Jiawei Zhou, PhD
Mikael Boberg, PhD
Sheena Sharma, PhD
Robin T.U. Haid, MSc
Dr. Marcus Rosenblatt, PhD
Jared Weddell, Ph.D.
Robert R. Bies, Pharm.D. Ph.D. FISoP
Rebecca Baillie, PhD, Christina Friedrich, PhD, Jake Nichols, PharmD, MBA
Natalie Morris, BSc
Vincent Lemaire, Ph.D.; Fei Hua, Ph.D.
Dr Dinko Rekic, PhD and Dr Jane Knöchel, PhD
The team is taking some time to spend with their families.
Chuanpu Hu, PhD
Wojciech Krzyzanski PhD, MA
Philippe Moingeon PhD, MBA
Bill Brastow, Ph.D.
• Christina Friedrich, PhD, Chief Engineer, Rosa & Co, San Carlos, CA• Stephen Duffull, PhD, Professor, (1) Senior Scientific Advisor, Certara, (2) Otago Pharmacometrics Group, School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand• Theodor
Stefano Morotti, PhD.
Chuanpu Hu, PhD.
Joga Gobburu
Nick Holford, Emeritus Professor
Christina Friedrich, PhD; Jérémy Huard
Check back soon for more webinars.
Dr. Dipak Barua
James Lu, PhD
Dr Adam Palmer
Yanguang (Carter) Cao, PhD.
Tongli Zhang, PhD
Anastasios Siokis, PhD
Vincent Hurez, DVM, PhD
Thorsten Lehr, PhD
Amber Smith, PhD.
Bill Brastow, PhD
Bill Brastow, PhD
Paul B. Watkins, M.D. FAASLD.
Luca Gerosa, PhD
Katherine Kudrycki, PhD
Eric Sobie, PhD
Dr. Jonathan E. Allen
Dr. Bill Brastow
Stacey Tannenbaum, PhD, FISoP
Iraj Hosseini, PhD and Justin Feigelman, PhD
Paolo Denti, PhD
Sergio Iadevaia, PhD
Rajanikanth (Raj) Madabushi, PhD
Jeffrey R. Sachs, Ph.D.
Sietse Braakman, PhD
Dr. Britta Goebel
Robert Bies, Pharm.D. Ph.D
James Yates, MMath, PhD
Maria Trujillo PhD
Loveleena Bansal, PhD
Vivaswath S. Ayyar, Ph.D.
Dr.-Ing. Markus Rehberg
Stephan Schmidt, B.Pharm, Ph.D., F.C.P.
Professor Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis
Chi-Chung Li, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Clinical Pharmacology, and Iraj Hosseini, PhD. Scientist
Eric Sobie, PhD, Professor, Pharmacological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
Theresa Yuraszeck, Associate Director, Quantitative Pharmacology, CSL Behring
Richard Gliklich, MD, Founder and CEO, OM1
Iraj Hosseini, PhD. Scientist at Genentech
Prasad Dhurjati, PhD, Professor of Chemical & Bio-molecular Engineering, Joint appointment as Professor Biological Sciences and Professor of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware
1) Lealem Mulugeta, Executive Committee Member of CPMS, Founder/Executive of InSilico Labs and Medalist Fitness.2) Andrew Drach, Senior Research Fellow at University of Texas at Austin, Executive Committee Member of CPMS
Aman Singh, PK-PD Scientist, Biologics Development Sciences, Janssen R&D
Christina Friedrich, PhD, Chief Engineer, and Mike Reed, PhD, Chief Scientist, Rosa & Co, CA
Richard A. Gray, PhD, Senior Research Biomedical Engineer, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Chihiro Hasegawa, PhD, PK/PD Scientist, Ono Pharma, Japan, Otago Pharmacometrics Group, School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, New Zealand
Frank Gibbons, PhDPrincipal Scientist, DMPK, IMED Oncology Biotech UnitAstraZeneca
Sietse Braakman, PhDMathWorks
Dr. Ryan TasseffScientistProcter and Gamble
Konstantinos (Kostas) Biliouris, PhD Principal Pharmacometrics Scientist Novartis Cambridge, MA, USA
Nelleke Snelder Senior Consultant LAP&P Consultants BV Leiden, The Netherlands
Joga Gobburu, PhD, Division of Parmacometrics, OCP/FDA
Dr. Valeriu Damian-Iordache, Director Pharmacokinetics and Translational Biology, GlaxoSmithKline
Dr. Scott Q Siler, Lead DILI-sim Consultant
Dr. Toufigh Gordi, Rosa and Co.; President, PK/PD and Clinical Pharmacology Services
Dr. Birgit Schoeberl; Vice President of Discovery; Merrimack Pharmaceuticals
Joga Gobburu, PhD FCP MBA; School of Pharmacy|School of Medicine, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore
Hartmut Derendorf, PhD; University of Florida, Gainesville
Tristan Maurer, PharmD, PhD; Research Fellow at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
William J. Jusko, PhD, SUNY (Buffalo)
Christina Friedrich, PhD, Rosa & Co
Nick Holford, MBChB, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Herbert Sauro, PhD, University of Washington, Seattle
Rebecca Baillie, PhD, Rosa & Co
Rada Savic, PhD, Uppsala University
Dr. Frank Bergmann, University of Heidelberg
Tarek Leil, Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Robert Leipold, Research Scientist, Evidera
Dean Bottino, Head Modeling & Simulation Oncology at Roche Pharmaceuticals
Michael A. Eldon, Principal Scientific Fellow, VP, Clinical Pharmacology, Nektar Therapeutics
Christina Friedrich, Chief Engineer, Rosa and Co.
David J. Klinke II, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering; West Virginia University
Dr. Chee Ng, Assistant Professor at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dhavalkumar Shah, Senior Scientist; Modeling & Simulation, Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics, and Metabolism; Pfizer
Arthur Lo, Senior Scientist; Theravance
Pratap Singh, Ph.D, Senior Principal Scientist, Pfizer
Malcolm Rowland, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester
Dr. Richard Peck, Global Head Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Research and Development (pRED), Roche Products Ltd
Mike Reed, Chief Scientist, PhysioPD, Rosa & Co
Hugo Geerts Scientific Liaison Officer at In Silico Biosciences
Dhaval Shah Assistant Professor at SUNY Buffalo
Marc Birtwistle, PhD; Asst Professor, Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, NY
Yu-Nien (Tom) Sun, Director, Quantitative Pharmacology Group; Pharmacokinetics & Drug Metabolism Department, Amgen, Inc.
Kapil Gadkar, Scientist at Genentech
C.J. Musante, Associate Research Fellow, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases; Gianluca Nucci, Senior Director, Clinical Pharmacology, and Mark Peterson Director, Pharmacometrics, Pfizer Inc.
Thierry Lave, Head DMPK and TOX Project Leader and Modeling and Simulation, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Ron Beaver, PhD, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Rosa & Co LLC
Dr. Yanguang Cao, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Kosmas Kretsos, Associate Director, Global Exploratory Development, UCB New Medicines
Stephen Duffull, PhD, Chair of Clinical Pharmacy, Otago Pharmacometrics Group, School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Ananth Kadambi, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, PhysioPD™, Rosa & Co.
Satyaprakash Nayak (Satya), Pharmacometrician - Systems Biologist at Pfizer
Peter L. Bonate, PhD, Senior Director, Astellas; Global Head - Pharmacokinetics, Modeling, and Simulation; Global Clinical Pharmacology & Exploratory Development
Eric A. Sobie Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC, NY
Loveleena Bansal, PhD, Post-Doctoral Researcher, GlaxoSmithKline
Dr. Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis, Professor, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Samik Ghosh, PhD, The Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Sandra Visser, Principal Scientist, Early Stage Quantitative Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics, Merck
Michael Bolger, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Ted Grasela, Ph.D., President, Simulations Plus; Lancaster, CA
Helen Moore, PhD, Associate Director, Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ
Christina Friedrich, PhD, Chief Engineer, Rosa & Co., San Carlos, CA and Fulden Buyukozturk, PhD, Technical Evangelist, MathWorks; Natick, MA
Melissa Hallow, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, College Of Engineering And Department Of Epidemiology And Biostatistics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Jonathan Wagg, MD, PhD, Disease Therapeutic Area Modeling Leader – Oncology, Roche Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development
Oliver Ghobrial, Sr. Scientist III, Systems Pharmacology/DMPK/PKPD, AbbVie, Inc.
Dr. Lourdes Cucurull-Sanchez, Senior Scientific Investigator; GlaxoSmithKline
Valeriu Damian, DirectorSystems Modeling and Translational Biology GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia, PA
Dr. Herbert Sauro, Associate Professor, Bioengineering, University of Washington
Aman P. Singh, PhD CandidateDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Dr. Michael Weis, Senior Engineer, PhysioPD™, Rosa & Co.
Stacey Tannenbaum, PhD, FISoP Director: Pharmacokinetics, Modeling, and Simulation Clinical Pharmacology & Exploratory Development Astellas Pharma Global Development; Northbrook, IL
Natal van Riel, MSc, PhD Professor Computational Modelling
Associate Professor Systems Biology and Metabolic Disease
Eindhoven University of Technology, and Amsterdam Medical Center
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ben-Fillippo Krippendorff, Ph.D.Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical SciencesRoche Pharma Research & Early DevelopmentRoche Innovation Center Basel
Craig Thalhauser, Ph.D., Associate Director/Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ